Carers are the unsung heroes of the NDIS.
The NDIA acknowledges that families and carers provide a significant amount of support and care that could otherwise be provided by paid support workers or agencies. Often, families and carers advocate for the rights of those they are caring for and contribute significantly to the creation of NDIS plans that suit the individual.
While carers are often referred to as superheroes, it’s important to remember that carers are regular people who need to make sure that their personal needs are also met.
Caring can be a very rewarding experience, but for those who are primary carers for family members or friends, often it comes with re-prioritizing opportunities to work, socialise or pursue study.
There are a few ways the NDIS supports carers and allows them to pursue interests and goals outside of caring.
Measuring outcomes
The NDIS measures and evaluates outcomes for the family and carers alongside that of the participant. The goal of the NDIS is to improve the quality of life of both participants and their families and carers. This means that supports put in place to align with the participant’s defined NDIS goals will also attempt to contribute to offering some level of respite to families and carers.
Frequent respite
Where previously carers have relied on traditional forms of respite, the NDIS now attempts to consistently provide differing levels of regular respite.
The NDIS offers and promotes support services that encourage and assist participants to actively engage in the wider community. This may include participating in day programs or community initiatives, having a short stay out of home to experience new things, or pursuing their goals independently from their carers with the assistance of a support worker.
Having these supports and activities consistently scheduled means that carers are provided with regular respite allowing them to prioritise other aspects of their life outside of caring.
Get in contact!
Alongside traditional caring duties, carers are often in charge of the tasks involved in managing an NDIS plan such as invoicing. Here at Bright Plan Management, we absorb the ad-hoc management tasks so carers can focus on what they do best - caring!
Our team will happily chat with you about how we can take on the plan management role - reach out to us today!