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Developing Life Skills with the NDIS: Health

Leading a healthy lifestyle is important, and the NDIS encourages and assists participants to develop the necessary skills to maintain their health.

While some areas may still require the support of others, equipping yourself with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead a healthy lifestyle is incredibly empowering. As embarking on a health journey can sometimes be overwhelming, here at Bright Plan Management we’ve broken health down into four easily actionable areas - activity, healthy eating, personal hygiene and mental health.

There’s no need to overhaul your life in one go - focus on one area at a time. Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to a healthy lifestyle.

Developing Life Skills with NDIS
Developing Life Skills with NDIS

Eating healthy

A healthy lifestyle starts on your plate. Fueling your body with nutritious whole foods (and the occasional treat!) will set you up for a successful health journey. For many people, with or without disabilities, knowing what to eat can be a tricky task.

Your support worker may be able to help you shop for groceries and speaking to your LAC will help you find a provider who assists in educating NDIS participants about nutrition

If you’re looking to develop some new skills in the kitchen, taking a cooking class is a great way to learn!

An active lifestyle

Moving our bodies is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. What this looks like for you might be different from your friends - there is no right way to be active.

Check out classes at your local sports centre, invest in a gym membership or even take a daily stroll around your neighbourhood. Anything that gets your heart rate up is ideal. Being able to incorporate the activity into your routine is important when it comes to choosing a physical activity.

Joining a team in a sport you like is also a great way to socialise!

Personal Hygiene

Looking after your body is more than just exercising and eating healthy. Caring for your body and maintaining your personal hygiene is also important. Your support worker may already assist with showering, toileting and personal care, or you may complete these tasks yourself. Either way, keeping on top of your personal hygiene will contribute to creating a long-lasting healthy lifestyle.

Mental Health

There is no point in pursuing physical fitness if your mental health is suffering. Mental health is just as important when it comes to achieving and maintaining overall wellbeing. Checking in with yourself and your mental state is important. There are many psychologists and mental health professionals registered with the NDIS as providers, and they will be able to help you achieve peak mental fitness if needed.

The team at Bright Plan Management are here to help with your NDIS management. Reach out to chat to the team today!



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