The different kinds of supports provided in your NDIS plan can get confusing, so the Bright Plan Management have compiled key information you need to know about Capacity Building Supports below.
There are three main types of budgets under the NDIS - Capacity Building Supports, Capital Supports and Core Supports.
Read on for information about Capacity Building Supports and how you can use them!

Capacity Building Supports assist you in developing your skill sets and moving towards independence. They are designed to specifically help you achieve your NDIS plan goals.
What can I use my Capacity Building Supports budget for?
There are nine categories within your Capacity Building Supports, and specific supports within each category that are eligible for funding.
The nine categories are:
Support Coordination
Improved Living Arrangements
Increased Social & Community Participation
Finding & Keeping a Job
Improved Relationships
Improved Health & Wellbeing
Improved Learning
Improved Life Choices
Improved Daily Living
To find out more about each category, we suggest chatting to your Local Area Coordinator or checking out the NDIS info page here.
Is there anything else I should know?
Unlike your Core Supports budget, you cannot transfer your funding across the different categories as you see fit. The budgets are fixed for the different categories and must be spent on those specific supports.
Only approved individual supports that fit within the categories are eligible to be paid for with this funding.
These categories mean that you have a well-rounded plan with adequate funding across all areas!
Are you looking for help managing your budgets and NDIS plan? The friendly Bright Plan Management are here to help - reach out to chat today!