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How to be confident in your NDIS plan reviews

Plan reviews occur yearly and are a great opportunity to reflect on your NDIS plan and goals. They are designed to help you assess if your supports are helping you achieve your goals in the way that you want. While they are a great opportunity to advocate for yourself, they can also be a bit daunting!

Don’t worry though, here at Bright Plan Management we’ve created a guide to ensure you’re ready to ace you Plan Review meeting with confidence.

NDIS plan Reviews
How to be confident in your NDIS plan reviews

Get prepared

The key to going into the meeting with confidence is to ensure that you are prepared and understand the process. Keep the date of your next plan review in your calendar so you have plenty of time to prepare for the meeting - you’ll usually be contacted a month to six weeks before your plan is due to end to organise your meeting.

Contact your Local Area Coordinator or Service Coordinator and ask if any service or therapist progress reports are required for your plan meeting. This reports will usually outline your achievements in relation to the support provided. Once you know which reports are needed, reach out to the relevant service provider or therapist and request the support. It’s important to give your providers plenty of notice to avoid any delays to the process.

Review your goals

Before heading into your plan review meeting, make sure you’ve considered the goals you set out in your current plan a year ago and consider whether these goals still apply to your situation. A year is a long time and it’s common for your goals and focus to have shifted!

Consider whether you’ve achieved any goals and if it’s time to replace them, or whether some goals aren’t as important to you any more. If so, it might be time to alter the goals to suit your current mindset.

Knowing where you stand on your current goals will help you confidently outline goals for the next year of your NDIS plan.

Want changes? Ask for them!

Knowing how and why you want to change or alter your goals will give you the confidence to request them. Remember, the plan review is for you to let the NDIA know where your plan is supporting you well and where it can be improved. Use this time to refine your plan so it suits you down to the very last goal.

Got questions? We’ve got answers. Reach out to us today to discuss your NDIS plan!



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